Author: Guest Writer


How Can Businesses Survive The TikTok Algorithm In 2021

TikTok is emerging as one of the most used social media networks. More than 852 million active users are using TikTok monthly. Thousands of users spend their free time on TikTok watching entertainment and trending videos. The popularity of TikTok provides an excellent way for business people to grow their brand and improve their brand […]

By Guest Writer | Marketing

7 Vital Steps to Create a Killer Content Strategy for Your Business

Every expressive form you use to attract new customers—text, images, videos, information on your website—falls under the same category known as content. Your connection with the audience and your position on the market highly depends on the content you publish.  The relevance of content in the business world has led us to a process that […]

By Guest Writer | Marketing

7 Instagram Analytics Tools You Should Use To Maximize Your Audience Reach

Instagram is famous for engagement, but how will you measure or track it? This article will cover some of the Instagram analytics tools that you must be aware of. People on social media interact and engage with brands, products, and other individuals. Social media will never exist without the presence of engagement. But compared to […]

By Guest Writer | Marketing

Recruiting Red Flags: 5 Things That Turn Off Real Estate Agents

As a real estate brokerage or recruiter, it is only reasonable to have a specific set of qualifications when it comes to hiring agents. At the end of the day, a brokerage is a business with goals to meet. The people you hire have a direct influence on whether or not you achieve these milestones. […]

By Guest Writer | Recruitment

9 Ways to Maintain Leadership While Working Remotely

With the number of remote employees growing, it can be difficult to navigate the new ways in which you lead your team if you are used to face-to-face interactions. Between time differences, meeting overloads, and issues getting messages across, you may feel as though you are failing your team in terms of leadership. If you […]

By Guest Writer | Leadership

Relocating a Business Without Losing Productivity

Business trends and locations have likely never changed this quickly before. With the COVID-19 pandemic came a rethinking of all kinds of business processes. For many companies, this meant relocating. Now, you may even be thinking about permanently relocating your business to an entirely virtual space or a cheaper building in a new location. Regardless […]

By Guest Writer | Business

5 Ways on How to Visualize Data in a Better Way for 2021

Did you know that about 90% of the information that is transmitted to the human brain is visual? That’s right. So when you write wordy posts and blogs for sharing knowledge with others, chances are, the readers do not retain a major chunk of what you are trying to communicate.  A lot has been talked […]

By Guest Writer | Business

How to Use Customer Segmentation to Increase Sales

Customer segmentation is likely among the most natural business practices out there today. It hinges on a simple truth of everyday life; we all have different backgrounds, innate characteristics, and interests. These and other factors affect which communication styles and methods best resonate with us. They inform our psychology, expectations, and decisions. In this vein, […]

By Guest Writer | Sales

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