How do great leaders shape culture?
What is a firm’s culture? The simplest definition that I have come across for culture is: ‘The ways things are done over here.’ If there is one person who has the greatest impact on a firm’s culture or ‘ways,’ it is the firm’s leader. This was visible in the fortunes of Apple when Jobs left and joined back […]
How small business has an edge over large enterprises?
What is the single most important advantage that small business has over large enterprises? It is that they have nothing to lose! As Subroto Bagchi notes in his book, the Elephant Catchers, nothing to lose is a great mental asset. This very attitude allows newcomers to take risks and defy logic. The audacity of not playing […]
The Secret of Innovative Companies
What is common across the following firms – 3M, Bosch, General Electric, IBM, Merck, Procter & Gamble, Mitsubishi, and Siemens? Not only that they are consistently rated as some of the world’s most innovative companies, but also that each of them is over a century old entity. A firm’s success in the short run could […]