Author: The Editor


Common Business Problems and How to Solve Them

As a business owner, you would sometimes contemplate if it’s really the greatest decision to put up a business because as we all know, handling a business is complicated. There are unending phases you need to get through to finally say that you become successful in the industry you chose. Getting there is not as […]

By The Editor | Management

Success and Management Lessons from Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is not just a great investor; he is also a great manager. Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from Buffett’s management principles. Mary Buffett’s book Warren Buffett’s Management Secrets: Proven Tools for Personal and Business Success is a great gift for managers who want to follow Buffett’s management principles. Here are some of the things […]

By The Editor | Most Popular

Marketing Funnel: A System to Generate Leads and Convert them into Sales

The most common question I get is “How do I increase sales for my business?” The question most people should be asking is “How do I create a system or a marketing funnel that generates leads, nurtures them and converts them into sales?” I believe most businesses go through these primary stages. Stage 1: Life […]

By The Editor | Most Popular

18 Statistics That Prove Personal Branding Is Necessary

Personal branding is not just a buzz word anymore. It’s a necessity. Differentiating yourself from everyone else who provides similar services is a need more than a want. In my personal branding workshops, the most common question I get is – why should I invest in personal branding? Why not in product branding? Let me […]

By The Editor | Most Popular

Elements of Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leadership comes to some people naturally, while others have to work hard at it. Is it their external persona or is it some internal traits? Every person has something called character. And building that character into something attractive is much easier than we think. Everyone can learn to be a charismatic leader. Here are […]

By The Editor | Most Popular

How to Sell Residential Real Estate?

I remember 2005, when people were jumping around to invest in properties in India. Real estate developers would put up an ad in a newspaper, and by the end of the day their properties would get sold out. Things have dramatically changed since then. Today, real estate developers are struggling to sell their premium properties […]

By The Editor | Sales

Should You Ever Fire A Customer?

All throughout our business career, we’ve been conditioned to believe that “customer is king,” and we need to do whatever it takes to satisfy the customer. Back in business school, more that a decade ago, a professor asked us “Should we ever let go a customer?” At the time, I didn’t understand the question because […]

By The Editor | Sales

How To Run a Business? Inspiration from Sport

If someone asked you how to run a business? What would your answer be? I remember my childhood days when I played sport. As a 12 yr old boy, I woke up early in the morning and then woke my parents up begging them to drop me off to the Tennis court. Looking back at […]

By The Editor | Most Popular

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