“Beware the barrenness of a busy life”
– Socrates.
Do you struggle to stay on top of things regularly? Have you ever been overwhelmed by the ever-increasing personal and professional demands? How often have you felt that you have no control over certain situations? Is there a sense of disconnect from those who are the nearest and dearest to you?
These are just a few offshoots of a hectic life. But then, the overdose of stress, increasing electronic connectivity, the information overload and the world with too much of everything is here to persist. And the fact is that more often than not, it is not serving us well.
The man and the masters of his universe
The constant state of being “busy” has woven itself into the very grain of many of our lives. Stemmed from a need to find alternative responses to manage and live with the everyday chaos, this insightful book comes from a fellow “sufferer”. In the age of instant gratification, the Author weighs the outcome of being in it for the long haul against short-term gains to bring forth the idea that the power of choice and control lies with you.
Burning issues strategically
Through this book, Tony Crabbe encourages a strategic approach to tackling the core issues that we grapple with in the course of a busy life. He addresses the four essential elements involved in this journey – Mastery, Focus, Engagement and Momentum.
It follows through in a conversational tone and gently nudges the reader to experiment with the various paths to be more productive while slowly but surely downsizing the effects of “busyness”.
He recapitulates the highlights of each chapter through the big messages section, lists a bunch of go-do’s and suggests experiments as well.
This encourages readers to explore alternative responses to suit their individual settings. Working with the book and the stimulus it provides tunes readers’ mind to look for answers within while challenging the beaten path during their quest to find unique solutions.
Fostering deep learning
Crabbe does not claim to have found sure-fire solutions to handle our frenetic lives. Nor does this work “preach” quick tips and management techniques. In search of an alternative, a more sustainable way to live – the author has compiled a whole lot of practical learning and thought-stimulating ideas in this book. Each principle is backed by related research and study findings.
The book features an excellent compilation of hundreds of illustrative examples to better emphasize key takeaways from incidences involving individuals and organizations, their successes and failures included.
Psychological, Sociological and neuro-scientific inputs from experts (including Crabbe’s own) are put forth in a metaphorical manner making it appeal to even the non-scientific minds. The introduction of the Zeigarnik effect and the references to it thereafter is one such excellent observation with which you can readily relate and use as a tool to focus.
In finding your 15 among the larger human ties and social networks, one can understand the innate need to prioritize, develop and continue more meaningful engagements with the people that matter the most in the course of life.
Beware – there are no shortcuts
The beauty lies in the fact that one can open just about any page to find a gem nestled among this collection of reflections. One can find innumerable calls to action through what I found as an excellent aide for active interaction and involvement. As with all good intentions, Crabbe understands that sustaining these actions is the only way to experience lasting results – capturing the magic of momentum.
One for all, and all for one
Whether at home or at work, a professional or not, if you wish to move beyond a frenetic life and embark on a journey of self-analysis and change, you can find a dependable ally in this thorough yet concise work.
From reclaiming your individuality, overcome challenges and prepping you for shift among others, “How to thrive in a world of too much busy” is there to prod you on gently to a more fulfilling life despite all odds. Though by no means easy, he understands it is a constant fight, but a worthy one.
Digging deeper into what makes a meaningful life and to help you find your own answers on the way, Crabbe is asking all the right questions to get you going.
Crabbe, Tony. How to thrive in a world of too much busy. London, Great Britain: Piaktus, 2014 (First published).
Busy: How to thrive in a world of too much. Buy it on Amazon. Click here