In most offices, petty expenses can add up to large amounts by end of the year if they are not handled properly. Generally, it is the expenses on the equipments, accessories, which though counted as ‘petty’, eat up major portion of money. Find below some useful ways to cut costs around the office.
What comes under petty expenses?
In an office, the petty expenses consist of money spent on postage, fares, copying and printing tasks, and few accessories like Ink cartridges. Replacing the ink cartridge of the printer over and again for instance, can increases expenses.
How can we save money with ink cartridges?
As we said earlier, if we take care of few things in an office, we can save big money. If we know how to set up the printer so it uses less ink, we can save a fair amount of money. Let us see how the printer can be set up so that it consumes lesser ink thus saving you money:
Make changes in Font Type, size and settings:
Always try to use light fonts for printing and avoid thick Arials. The Format option in the printer gives you an option to change the font type. Choose a readable but small font for printing and use the overall setting which consumes less ink for example the ‘econo’.
The ink refill
The first thing to consider while buying a printer is its ink cartridge. The cartridge that can be refilled is better than the one that is ‘use and replace’. Look for cartridges that fit well within your budget.
Sell the used Cartridge
Imagine how much money around the office can be saved if instead of throwing away the used ink cartridge, one can sell them. You can get some money back in your pocket.
Remanufactured Printer
Buying remanufactured cartridge is another way to save money around the office. The remanufactured printer ink with companies like ‘Phoenix Direct’ solves the purpose of printing as efficiently as with the new ones.
Now, calculate the amount that can be saved just by judicious and logical use and purchase of a single accessory as a printer ink cartridge. Imagine what can be done if every other thing in the office is used in a similar way.
- The paper which is used for printing, copying and even writing if used well can not only save money but also symbolize the eco friendliness to the environment.
- Prefer to replace the bulky paper work with technology.
- Cut on the expenses incurred on the consumption of electricity by putting ON the light only when it is required.
- Try subletting a portion of your office building which is empty- this is possible if you own the office.
These are only some of the ways to save money around the office, the actual list can be quite large. If you look around your office, and have a cost cutting and frugal mindset, you could come up with some bright ideas that might surprise you.