

Sell Your Business Stress Free

Selling your business may be harder than starting a business. There may be employees to release, office spaces to lease and sale and equipment to let go of. That shared, there are times when selling a business is a better choice than continuing to fight to keep a company going. These instances include continuing to […]

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Business Lessons that Sports Teach Us

Success in business depends on having the right mindset, and sports help you develop the positive mental attitude that makes the difference between winning and losing. Business leaders may have comparable skills and intelligence, but at the end, it’s the psychology that distinguishes successful businessmen from the rest. Here are the some of the positive […]


Business Assets to Outsource and Business Assets to Buy

For businesses, purchasing assets can be not only extraordinarily expensive but also very wasteful. Unless, you truly can see a benefit in big capital expenditure then buying a lot of items utilised in business can also be wasteful. As the old adage goes – if it makes money buy it and if it loses money […]

By admin | Operations

4 Things to Customize For Your Business

It’s something that screams “you.” One look — and you’ve got their attention. Customized items are a bit like your business’ fashion statement: something that sets you apart from the crowd. But they’re also something that needs to convey important information about your business. You may have hesitated to order personalized items because of budget […]

By admin | Marketing

9 Tips For Sending Out Holiday Greetings For Businesses

The holidays are fast approaching, and one of the best things a business can do to keep their name at the forefront of customers’ minds is to start sending out their holiday cards. Sending out business holiday greetings shows warmth, and reminds your customers that your connection with them is more than just about business. […]

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Going Paperless: The Undeniable Advantages

The world is moving away from paper-based technologies. Companies that have chosen to ignore this shift find themselves struggling to keep up as far as competitiveness and efficiency are concerned. But is the paperless office really the way to go; is it as beneficial as people bring it out to be? The following are several […]

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Dos And Don’ts For Building Your Brand’s Social Media Personality

These days, almost every company is active on social media, small businesses and big corporations alike. If a company does not have any social media profiles, then it’s safe to say they’re missing out on a massive marketing opportunity. Most (smart) companies maintain a presence on all the most popular social sites including Facebook, Myspace, […]

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Five Reasons Why You Need Business Insurance

At its simplest, an insurance policy is there to protect the policyholder from bad things that may happen. There really is no limit to the number of bad things that can affect business owners, but the one thing they all have in common is that they will cost you money. In fact they could even […]

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