

Here’s How Tech Can Help You Become a Better Manager

A recent comment from a digital writer points out that the biggest challenge with employing technology to drive organizational transformation is that technology can change a lot faster than people do. “Science progresses exponentially,” using the example of Moore’s Law, which stipulates that “the number of transistors in dense integrated circuit doubles around every two […]

By Guest Writer | Management

A Guide on Creating an Outstanding Business Plan For Startups [Templates Include]

A startup is often the product of someone’s bold idea. However, one idea is not enough to bring a startup to life. For success, you need to draw up a detailed business plan because it is a well-written plan that will allow you to structure all ideas and draw up a path to implementing the […]

By Guest Writer | Business

Top Ways to Engage Your B2B Customers 

While your customer engagement strategy may be different if you are running a B2B business in comparison to a B2C business, this does not mean that it should be overlooked. If you do not actively seek out ways that you can engage your customers, you are naturally going to find that you start to lose […]

By Guest Writer | Marketing

A CEO’s Guide to Preparing for Retirement

Regardless of what stage you are at in your career, preparing for retirement is a lifelong process involving investment strategies, understanding a 401(k), and managing your credit. Although this may seem like a daunting endeavor, it’s important to prioritize retirement planning to avoid financial hardships later down the road. Retirement is a time where you […]

By Guest Writer | Business

How Can Businesses Survive The TikTok Algorithm In 2021

TikTok is emerging as one of the most used social media networks. More than 852 million active users are using TikTok monthly. Thousands of users spend their free time on TikTok watching entertainment and trending videos. The popularity of TikTok provides an excellent way for business people to grow their brand and improve their brand […]

By Guest Writer | Marketing

7 Vital Steps to Create a Killer Content Strategy for Your Business

Every expressive form you use to attract new customers—text, images, videos, information on your website—falls under the same category known as content. Your connection with the audience and your position on the market highly depends on the content you publish.  The relevance of content in the business world has led us to a process that […]

By Guest Writer | Marketing

9 Ways to Maintain Leadership While Working Remotely

With the number of remote employees growing, it can be difficult to navigate the new ways in which you lead your team if you are used to face-to-face interactions. Between time differences, meeting overloads, and issues getting messages across, you may feel as though you are failing your team in terms of leadership. If you […]

By Guest Writer | Leadership

Relocating a Business Without Losing Productivity

Business trends and locations have likely never changed this quickly before. With the COVID-19 pandemic came a rethinking of all kinds of business processes. For many companies, this meant relocating. Now, you may even be thinking about permanently relocating your business to an entirely virtual space or a cheaper building in a new location. Regardless […]

By Guest Writer | Business

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