It’s 2022 and Women Are Still Behind on the Wage Curve Compared to Men
Inequality is a topic that carries a lot of controversies. We still see today, in both the developed and developing world, inequalities in the workplace regarding LGBT, race, class, and gender. The controversy that arises often comes from an insecurity, that highlighting an issue is a direct attack on the dominating majority – and people […]
Tips for Maintaining Happy and Productive Employees
Keeping your employees happy and productive is essential to the success of any business. If your employees are disengaged or feel underappreciated, it can lead to several negative consequences, such as low productivity, high turnover rates, and decreased morale. In today’s business landscape, as so many CEOs and executives focus on sustaining their company’s growth, […]
How To Retain Talent In The Hybrid Working Era
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated several processes that were already taking place in the workplace and business worlds. Indeed, research points out that even before the pandemic, some workers had been able to negotiate remote work conditions with their employers. Following the countermeasures aimed at stopping the spread of the virus, nearly all businesses were forced […]
The Major Impact of Business Digital Transformation on Cost Reduction
The digital transformation within a business impacts pretty much every single aspect of that business—from how a business recruits and employs, to how it sells and communicates with clients and customers. One key area of business digital transformation that is having to move quickly is costs. The businesses that keep on top of the digital […]
Six Cool Smart Office Products to Transform Your Office
Employees can be enthusiastic about their occupation but still wish to escape the monotony of their work. How can you increase their energy and proactivity? You need to find a way to make things smarter and assist employees in enjoying every single moment at work. But that sounds like magic, doesn’t it? When an employee […]
How to Address Company-Wide Burnout as a Business Leader
Burnout is a widespread issue across all workplaces. In the past, it was not at the forefront of any employer’s mind, and they continued to push their employees to the brink. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and their 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), burnout is a diagnosable disease. It […]
14 Personal Development Goals Every Leader Should Set for Themselves
Strong leadership is not entirely defined by how popular. It also has nothing necessary to do with your power and influence. More often than not, strong leaders find themselves working in the background. That’s because they are more comfortable being an agent of change. And they do that by bringing the best out of their […]
The 4 Pillars of Improving Employee Retention
The lifeblood of any company is its employees. A company that is constantly replacing its workers is not healthy; it is stagnating and is likely unable or having difficulties growing. Constantly replacing employees is not a cost-effective way to run a business and it requires extra resources expended on recruitment and training. It could negatively […]