How To Get More Traffic To Your Website: The Ultimate Guide For 2020

website traffic

Every successful entrepreneur, business owner, and marketer knows the importance of a good website that gets a steady flow of traffic and a good amount of conversions.

The number of visits or people viewing your website at any given time is determined by web traffic. It is important to study the pages people viewed, the unique views, the length of time spent on the pages, returning traffic, bounce rates and many more. Of course, in order to achieve this goal, your website needs to be SEO-friendly, which means it is optimized to drive engagements, and it needs to be relevant to your target audience.

Heavy website traffic and high conversion rates must be the goals of any business owner or marketer.

In the times when digital marketing is so important, everyone is looking to increase web traffic as much as possible, so here is the ultimate guide about how to increase website traffic in 2020.

#1 Target Long-Tail Keywords

You are probably using many short keywords already (e.g. if you sell skincare products, you might be using lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow), but long-tail keywords are actually very important too because they help you reach a smaller niche (e.g. purple matte lipstick for dry lips, blue sparkling eyeshadow).

Long-tail keywords don’t have as much competition as short ones have which means it will also be easier for your web pages to rank higher in search results. And if your web page rankings improve, your overall site rankings will improve as well. Besides, long-tail keywords usually don’t require as many mentions in the text as short ones do. And if you are still not convinced, the majority of web searches account for long-tail keywords, which means if you are still not targeting long-tail keywords as part of your paid search, or even as your strategy to improve SEO, then you are definitely missing out. 

#2 Do Social Media Marketing

The power of social media marketing cannot be overestimated. It is still one of the most effective forms of digital marketing which means you can be sure that it will work quite well if you do it right. In addition to that, social media marketing is fairly cheap and has a good return on investment, also known as ROI.

What you must do to get started with social media marketing is first to choose the social media platform where the majority of your audience is likely to spend their time. For promoting your content in social media channels, Twitter is a great platform for short but snappy links since you are only allowed to compose up to 280 characters for each post. There is also Facebook which seems to be effective as well as amongB2B companies. Other platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram, which are image-heavy social sites, are also especially effective to have great traction if you are a B2C product company.

Then, create your profile and try to put as much information about your business as you can. Once you plan out your social media content strategy, you can start posting content to drive traffic to your site.

#3 Start Guest Blogging

Many marketers now claim that guest blogging is dead, but the reality is quite different from that. In fact, guest blogging can help you build your backlink profile quite well which, in turn, contributes to your search engine rankings and increases the amount of traffic your website gets. It is also nice if you can secure a guest post on a reputable site, meaning they have high domain authority because this does not only lead to increasing in your blog traffic, but also help you build your brand into the bargain. However, you need to remember that over the past years, standards for guest blogging have changed radically, and having spammy tactics could result in stiff penalties. So do it with caution.

And if you want to make your guest blogging campaign effective, you will need to have dedicated writers working on your guest posts. You can also consider inviting people in the same niche as yours to write a blog on your own site because most likely they will share it or even link to your article which can bring new readers to your site. But of course, just make sure that what you post is of high quality, original, and not promotional content, or else Google will come at you.

#4 Build Your Backlink Profile

Speaking of building your backlink profile, you need to seriously take this factor into account when judging how high in search rankings you can get your web pages to. If you manage to have a good backlink profile, you will start taking the top spots and getting more clicks and then more conversions.

There are different tactics you can use to build your backlink profile including the aforementioned guest blogging. You can also find older articles from other sites that cover the topics you want to write about. Then, write articles better than the existing ones and find the sites that link to the original articles. Get in touch with those sites and ask whether they could link to your articles instead because they are newer and more comprehensive.

#5 Link Internally

In addition to building a backlink profile, linking internally is also very important. When Google and other search engines crawl websites, they also look at the links between the pages of your website to see if the navigation is good because the user experience directly depends on it.

As a result, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary links in your content. For example, if you wrote an article for your site and have some valuable resources also on your website for the topic you covered, you can add hyperlinks to some words or phrases within the article to these resources.

#6 Improve Email Marketing

Like social media marketing, email marketing is considered one of the most efficient types of digital marketing. This is why you shouldn’t underestimate its power and try to improve your email marketing strategy as much as you can to retain more customers and generate traffic to your website.

When writing content for your emails, you need to approach the process the same way you approach writing content for your site. 

#7 Remember About SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO is more of a combination of many different tactics discussed in this article, so it is not entirely possible to explain it in one or two paragraphs. That being said, SEO is an integral part of any online marketing strategy because it is essential for bringing in more traffic to your site.

Some elements of on-page search engine optimization include meta titles and descriptions, Alt tags, in-text keywords, URLs, and so on. Carefully research what is best in your particular situation and decide what you want to do with each of these.

#8 Analyze Your Metrics

What many marketers and website owners seem to forget is that analyzing your metrics is crucial for improving your strategy. If you don’t know how your content is currently performing, then you can’t possibly identify the issues it has that you need to change or get rid of to make your campaign more effective.

Track your traffic and check your click-through and conversion rates. Analyze what type of content gets the most attention and then focus your efforts on that. Try to determine which marketing channels work best for you and are most convenient for your audience to use.

#9 Host Webinars

With so many people around the world looking for new ways to educate themselves and learn more about the topics that interest them, webinars are becoming more and more popular. Consequently, many small businesses and entrepreneurs started turning to webinars to increase the engagement levels of their audiences.

Hosting regular free webinars will help you attract the attention of your potential customers. You can promote your webinars on social media and then direct your viewers to your site where you will host the webinars. This will increase the amount of traffic your site gets.

#10 Research Your Competition

Last but not least, researching your competition will also aid you greatly. If you know who you are up against, you can plan your strategy more objectively and find an original approach to the common topics in your industry or niche.

At the same time, you can learn a lot from your competitors by looking at the tactics they employ in their marketing. This will, in turn, assist you in finding the best way to generate more traffic on your site.

Final Thoughts

All in all, this guide will help you understand how to drive traffic to your website. If you ever asked yourself, “How to generate traffic to my site?” – then you definitely have an answer now. Just follow the tips in this article and start perfecting your marketing strategy.


Author’s Bio

Thomas Lore is a 23-year old writer, who is currently working for Writing Judge.

Also, Thomas is a creative and diligent freelance blogger who is always seeking for new ways to improve himself. Thomas is very versatile and he wants to reach the top with his writing skills.


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