Mitigating Customer Churn Rate with SaaS Reporting and Analytics
For businesses operating in the digital environment, customer satisfaction demands additional effort. Through cutting-edge technologies and potential business infrastructure, brand reputation can be ensured in the digital market. There exist several challenges for online businesses to survive and thrive where the competition is very high. The businesses that vigilantly adopt innovative solutions to cope with […]
3 Alternatives to Google Analytics
Data has taken never imagined proportions today, be it any industry. Every click and every key press of an Internet user is data for some business. This volume of data rightly earned the name ‘Big Data’. As Eric Schmidt of Google tells us, “There were 5 Exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization […]
Performance metrics tools for employee performance
The recent years have seen a surge in the number of new terminologies and breakthroughs that have intensified the technological aspect of business. This includes, but is not limited to the likes of cloud computing, social media integration, web applications and many more. Human resource is the most important resource for any business. The success […]