Author: Staff Writer


7 Tips for Starting a Small Business

There are plenty of reasons starting a small business is worth your consideration: solving consumer needs, being your own boss, pursuing a passion. The list goes on. However, for every pro, there seems to a corresponding con which leaves room for reasonable doubt. Small business owners are hit with a multitude of challenges and obstacles […]

By Staff Writer | Productivity

LadyBossBlogger, Elaine Rau’s Story

Elaine Rau is the founder of She covers inspiring stories of women’s entrepreneurship on her blog. In this article, she shares her entrepreneurial story. Before starting, I was in the wedding industry in Chicago. I had worked my way up the corporate ladder and in two short years went from being a sales rep to […]

By Staff Writer | 3Dis . Success Stories

3 Alternatives to Google Analytics

Data has taken never imagined proportions today, be it any industry. Every click and every key press of an Internet user is data for some business. This volume of data rightly earned the name ‘Big Data’. As Eric Schmidt of Google tells us, “There were 5 Exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization […]

By Staff Writer | Marketing

What is AB testing? And How to Use it in Business?

Also known as split testing and bucket testing, it refers to the method where two different versions of a web page are compared to figure out which works best. Data and statistics are used to evaluate design changes and enhance conversion rates. This is a great tool which can help assess promotional or marketing strategies […]

By Staff Writer | Marketing

How to Profile Your Customers?

Great marketers understand their customers and help create products suitable for them. Customer profiling is important and it can assist in pinpointing the customer group most likely to utilize your products or services. Why Customer Profiling is Important? Building customer profiles help in: Better communication Finding great opportunities Identifying niches with low competition Increasing profits […]

By Staff Writer | Most Popular

10 Tips to Make Your Meetings More Productive

We’ve all been part of that dreary meeting that’s made us groggy by the end of it. And when it’s your turn to conduct a live meeting, no matter how many times you’ve done it before, you are still going to be worried about it turning into a snore-fest. How often have you seen a […]

By Staff Writer | Productivity

Friends or Followers: Where does a good leader draw the line?

Giving bad news is way worse than receiving it. Now imagine when you have to break it to your team, who may also happen to be close friends. Leadership styles vary according to our personality and preferences, but one dilemma a good leader has is “How am I going to treat my team, as members […]

By Staff Writer | Leadership

Book Review – Busy: How to thrive in a world of too much

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life” – Socrates. Do you struggle to stay on top of things regularly? Have you ever been overwhelmed by the ever-increasing personal and professional demands? How often have you felt that you have no control over certain situations? Is there a sense of disconnect from those who are the […]

By Staff Writer | Book Reviews

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